Grand Tetons… Oops, what? Day 1

Saturday July 1

Pack’em up and head on out! I hit the road pretty early in the morning and felt pretty good that I didn’t leave anything behind. While early in my drive, I get a text from Ryan. The Tetons are still covered in snow.

Satellite Image from a couple days ago.

Seeing how the group would rather not go winter camping and hiking across Antarctica, we opted for plan B, Kings Peak in Utah. Thankfully I was still in track to get to the trailhead, so off I drove. Now, while I am disappointed that we didnt attempt the Tetons Crest Trail, it is probably for the better. I caught a nasty head/chest cold and my cough could wake the dead. This shorter drive to Henry’s Fork Trailhead would allow me to rest up and heal. Also, I like road trips, I always see neat things

Like a flowerbed convertible.

Hey, an adventure is an adventure. Plus finding a nice diner is always a plus.

Lunch at this diner was particularly good. The staff had a look if aged focus that you do not see at a Waffle house. This could have meant they were there because they cannot find a job anywhere so they settled at an eatery… I will never know. They smiled, kept my coffee filled and hot, and didn’t interrupt me as I read my wall street journal.

Something I really enjoyed about a diner such as this, is the fact that the ham steak is actually flavorful and thick!

Hand sliced as one side was a quarter inch thick and gradually found its way to a half inch. The freshly made biscuits and gravy was pillow goodness for my taste buds. I was one happy lunchtime traveler. I can’t say I am quite the foodie my last girlfriend was, but I definitely learned how to appreciate well made food. I still don’t use pepper or salt, so perhaps I am not quite there.
Anyways, great food while on the road, I won’t complain.

Driving on,  meant going on gravel road to find, what I thought, was a secluded trailhead. Thirty mile stretches of car-free roads was a welcome sight to my now Denver familiar traffic, where 18 miles can take me 30 to 50 minutes to traverse in my not-so-friendly-to-cities truck.

With beautiful skies and beautiful greens, I continue to enjoy my drive.

I find a beautiful contrast of lighting as I drive down my dusty road.


A sample of my dusty road.

With no gas station in sight, I continue to drive into the wilderness. My heart filled with excitement for this new area of the world.

I arrive at my destination, setup my hammock and enjoy life


Can you tell I love camping? Even if this is an established camping site and my truck is right behind me, this still counts in my book.