Colorado Trail

The Colorado Trail was always something I wanted to do. It wasn’t a trail that I’ve wanted to do all my life or anything. It was practically a sudden decision based on almost no information. I did do some research, but overall, I jumped on and learned as I went.  Below is the map from  I decided to do Collegiate West, and yes, I hiked all 500 miles over 41 days.  I highly recommend you visit their site and do some self-research of the trail.

CT Trail Map from

I kept a travel blog of my trip, below are the links to read more about my experiences.

Colorado Trail Segments 1-8,  Days 1-10

Colorado Trail Segments 9- Collegiate West 5, Days 11-20

Collegiate West 5 to Colorado Trail 21, Days 21 to 31

Colorado Trail Segment 21 to 28, Days 31 to 41