The helping road

Yesterday I helped load a decently light piano into my truck and drove to Dubuque to deliver it. I can happily say the piano was delivered and installed with zero damages to me, my sister Becky, my brother in law, property, or vehicle.  A definite success.  This morning I had to leave the drizzling land of Dubuque and head to my next older sister, Kathy, to continue my tour.  Becky, Dan, and soon to be 4 years old Chloe all said goodbye and I was on my way.

Chloe playing with a triangle

Side note, I realized I have been telling folks that Chloe was 3, but on July 18 she will be 4, so I am kind of right… ish.

Now I am in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. To help Kathy with whatever it is I am needed for and I am happy to help. My goddaughter and niece, Jasmine, is a riot even though she is somewhat stuck in the look at me look at me stage in her childhood.  Oh well. She’ll grow up eventually and we’ll miss the days we can enjoy her energy and happiness.  Best to enjoy it now.