The final night at home

Today of days, was the day for things to not go horribly wrong, but wrong enough in a way that is just downright annoying. it all started in the morning, as things usually do I suppose.

When up from my ceiling there arose such a clatter,
I rustled in my bed and wondered what was the matter.
Away to the window I saw naught a light,
The blinds were closed, it seemed all right.

It was probably 5:00 AM when someone upstairs started moving around.  While I am living at my parents, the room I’m in is right underneath the kitchen.  All noises from the kitchen transfer into the room quite well.  Turns out that one of my parents walks on their heels. I am sure they know who they are…  Well, I decided to go back to sleep, it took some time, but I managed.  I slept way too long.  I still needed to pack.

Packing for the next week of motorcycle shenanigans will be easy. I have two saddlebags and a tank bag. Plenty of space for my clothes, but for the weeks following, I will need to pack for a four to six week excursion on the Colorado Trail.  I have almost everything I need for this trek across Colorado (all 486 miles of it), but I always feel like I am missing something.  I have maps, gear, water, and the items I am missing and expect to buy are all written down and ready for me to purchase when I get to Colorado.

I woke up around 10:00 AM and started packing my things when I get notified that my cell phone needs to be corrected. I knew this was coming and I am glad it happened before going onto the trail, but it was some hoop jumping.  While on hold, I started loading my cell phone with music and audiobooks for the ride(s). Then… blue screen… that pissed me off, so, as a suggestion from my mother, I took a break and started mowing the lawn.  While mowing, I hit a stump HARD, like, bent-the-frame hard. Hopefully my dad doesn’t notice.  From there, I ran out of gas… then when I return with gas, the battery was dead… oh goodness, what a day.

So I finish mowing, finish getting the cell phone into my name, and finish with my cell phone.  Next, time to help my mother at school.  I needed to drill 7 holes into concrete… but the bit was too dull and not getting anywhere… so we quit.  Cause that’s just how my day is going with the simple things.

Then I go to load my older CamelBak into my tank bag… and it is slightly green… man, just another bump in the day.  Oh and bluscreened again… so I lost everything I was working on for my dad’s website as well as might… go figure…

Anyways, I need to get back to cleaning my CamelBak and head to bed before anything else goes wrong!