CT S9 D12

Leadville has to be one of my favorite towns in Colorado. The mountain background, the warm and welcoming hostel feels like I am a guest at someone’s house. 

Day 12 is a lower mileage day, only 14.8 miles. Before departing the hostel, I weighed myself and my gear.

When I left Rangely, I weighed 216 pounds. The morning I left for day 1 of this trail, I weighed 198.8.  Currently, I weigh 196.4.

My backpack weighed 40 pounds on day 1. I’ve made some adjustments and now my bag is 38.6.  I have a lot of food this time and made better choices on food , i.e. no tortillas or tuna. I have a boring pallat, but that’s okay.

Live Edit: I’m sitting here watching the news and weather, what’s with the fires?? Oh and I hope Cathy wakes up so I can pay for the room and hitchhiker myself to the trailhead. 

Also, I have a slight worry that I’m coming down with a cold and sinus issue… Wish me luck!

Day 12 was a nice hike through the woods. The sky held a deep and crop blue despite the haze in the air. There were sections of the forest that held a green so pure I can only describe it like this, “there is green, and then there is Irish greeimage



I made new friends today, which is always a plus. Calamity Jane and Mule. We joined up at camp and really enjoyed the warmth of our fire, eventually the cold kicked us out and to bed. I’m still surprised at the quick chill that rolls down the mountains every night.