Today, 9-24-15

Well, now what???

While on the Colorado Trail, I met a LOT of people, but before I got onto the trail, I had a couple gears in motion.  I always figured I would continue to travel.

I planned on this:

  1. Colorado Trail
  2. Ride Motorcycle
    1. To California
    2. through Texas to New Orleans
    3. Then to Wisconsin
  3. Fly to Puerto Rico with Mitch
  4. Fly to Costa Rica with Dad
  5. Fly to South America for the winter

And yet to do the above plan, I would need to sell my truck, pay attention to every dollar, and commit to doing it.

While away from CNCC, a few things happened there that surprised me… well, things fell apart.  I spoke with the president of the college before starting the trail and left me with the debate: return or not…

Well, while on the trail, I realized that Colorado is where I will live, but I also decided that CNCC would benefit from my return.  I know the people, I know the system, and I know I can do the job well.  So, October 7 is day 1 of an interim Vice-President appointment.  Wish me luck.