CT CW 2 D16

From mountain meadow to Lake Ann Pass. I only traversed about 12 miles before making camp in the rain.  Rain, I wasn’t expecting rain until Thursday, this could make some of my above tree line experiences similar to week one, a sprint from tree to tree. 

I feel bad because I told the wrong weather forcast to Kathy and Jay, a mother son hiking combo I met at Lake Ann.

Thanks for the photo Kathy!

Lake Ann Pass was beautiful, but it was brutal. The sights amazing, but my legs are already fatigued.



On the way down, I met this guy . He’s like a giant squirrel!


Quite the views…


Oh, that’s a squirrel… But what was that other guy…

Anyways, rain came in once I got to Texas Creek and the thunder convinced me to find a flat spot… Which was impossible, so I slept crooked…


Oh well. Life is still good.